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Blaze 2 testy

Og³oszenia Inne
Dodano: 19 Marzec 2024 09:50
miesi±c temu
There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale watching on boats. It’s really exciting as sometimes the boats get so close to the whales that you can almost touch them! There are lots of beautiful villages to look at too, and the islands also have the tallest mountain in Portugal

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Og³oszenia  Blaze 2 testy
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There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale wa...
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There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale wa...
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the USA D´ Æju… es "eI (n) = Stany Zjednoczone American ´"merIk´n (adj) = amerykañski, Amerykanin/Amer...
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