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Blaze 1 testy

Og³oszenia Inne
Dodano: 19 Marzec 2024 09:50
miesi±c temu
the USA D´ Æju… es "eI (n) = Stany Zjednoczone
American ´"merIk´n (adj) = amerykañski,
the UK D´ Æju… "keI (n) = Zjednoczone
British "brItIS (adj) = brytyjski,
Russia "røS´ (n) = Rosja
Russian "røS´n (adj) = rosyjski,
Egypt "I…dZIpt (n) = Egipt
Egyptian I"dZIpS´n (adj) = egipski,
Spain speIn (n) = Hiszpania
Spanish "spoenIS (adj) = hiszpañski,

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Og³oszenia  Blaze 1 testy
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There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale wa...
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the USA D´ Æju… es "eI (n) = Stany Zjednoczone American ´"merIk´n (adj) = amerykañski, Amerykanin/Amer...
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There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale wa...
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There are lots of things to do there. The weather is warm all year, so you can swim in the sea, surf or go whale wa...
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eco living (to)-infinitive/-ing form article (multiple choice, answer questions) • present a floating villa...
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the USA D´ Æju… es "eI (n) = Stany Zjednoczone American ´"merIk´n (adj) = amerykañski, Amerykanin/Amer...
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