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Smart Time 4 testy

Og³oszenia Pozosta³e us³ugi
Rodzaj: Oferuje
Dodano: 28 Luty 2024 15:42
miesi±c temu
The train .........................................................
(leave) at 8:00 am.
huge =
You .................. ........... (always/ interrupt) me when I’m talking.
lots of =
Let’s go swim/
swimming/to swim.
He ....................

Smart Time 4 testy na rok szkolny 6; Smart Time 4 Student's Book Audio Files
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Og³oszenia  Smart Time 4 testy
Ods³on: 17

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19 20 The train ......................................................... (leave) at 8:00 am. huge = ............
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2 Match the jobs (1-5) to the places of work (A-E). waiter A school nurse B office teacher C theatre actor D re...
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2 Match the jobs (1-5) to the places of work (A-E). waiter A school nurse B office teacher C theatre actor D re...
Dodano: 28 Lutego 15:42  miesi±c temu
Kategoria: Pozosta³e us³ugi
2 Match the jobs (1-5) to the places of work (A-E). waiter A school nurse B office teacher C theatre actor D re...
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1 The …….. invested a lot of money in the play. A director C producer B playwright D screenwriter 2 ...
Dodano: 5 Marca 11:33  miesi±c temu
Kategoria: Pozosta³e us³ugi
1 The …….. invested a lot of money in the play. A director C producer B playwright D screenwriter 2 ...
Dodano: 26 Lutego 16:38  2 miesi±ce temu
Kategoria: Pozosta³e us³ugi

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Przyciêcie ¿ywop³otu, skrócenie, tel , Wroc³aw, pi
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