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Smart Time 1 testy

Og³oszenia Inne
Dodano: 20 Marzec 2024 09:29
miesi±c temu
II. Wpisz w³a¶ciwe s³owo. (4 pkt)
1. I am Spanish and what _ _ t _ _ _ _ l _ t _ are you?
2. My mum is a beautiful _ _ m _ n. She looks great.
3. He knows everything – he is a g _ n _ u _.
4. Her favourite school subject is G _ _ _ r _ _ h _.

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II. Wpisz w³a¶ciwe s³owo. (4 pkt)
1. I am Spanish and what _ _ t _ _ _ _ l _ t _ are you?
2. My mum is a beautiful _ _ m _ n. She looks great.
3. He knows everything – he is a g _ n _ u _.
4. Her favourite school subject is G _ _ _ r _ _ h _.
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