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2pok, 46met, Okolice Placu Bema BALKON/WINDA (Wroc³aw)

Og³oszenia Wynajem
Miasto: Wroc³aw
Dodano: 24 Kwiecieñ 2024 12:58
miesi±c temu
Jedno¶ci / Wyszyñskiego, Browary Wroc³awskie,garage, 2 rooms The apartment is located in the Browary Wroc³awskie complex, right next to the Piast loft building - design magazines, all over the country wrote about the investment, appreciating the concept and revitalization on the european level. Premium housing estate - physical security, monitoring, green recreation areas, a hop-up house, several playgrounds. An industrial-style building with a garage and an elevator. The apartment is finished with attention to the loft and brawery character of the place, it has 45 m2, southern orientation. Wide, apartment style, triple-glasses windows provide the highest acoustic comfort and a lot of light. Separate bright kitchen, large balcony. Spacious with lots of storage space. The apartment is fully equipped: it has washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, oven, induction, fridge, all built-in. In both rooms a lof of cabinets and sofas, but tenant's furniture or retrofitting of other elements for a long-term tenant is possible. Own place in the underground garage. Tenants have for free fitness center, chillout club, co-working area, and canoes at their disposal, included in the rental price. The apartment is well connected - 2 km from the Main City Square, you can walk to the S³odowa Island or Ostrów (about 1 km). Lines 6, 11, 23, A, N, 128 + 3 night lines are next to the building. Direct connection with office centers on Bema sq., Dominikañski sq, 3M and offices along Legnicka Street. All necesery commercial facilities are around plus 3 café squares, over 20 shops and services are being built within the estate itself. 200 meters from the house, beautiful areas on the Oder, beach bars, long jogging and cycling routes. The combination of so many options for spending free time, sports, and the proximity of nature and living in city center is a phenomenon on the real estate market. The rental cost is PLN 3200. Additionally: rent & home media ~700 PLN based on usage. Agreement, the possibility of issuing an invoice / invoice from a private person.


ID oferty:1001/3584/OMW

Adres firmy: In¿ynierska 49/u25 Wroc³aw

Powy¿sza oferta ma charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 §1 Kodeksu Cywilnego
0 z³
Wolne od: 
Dodatkowe op³aty: 
700 z³
Dla ilu osób: 
Nie okre¶lono
Liczba pokoi: 
Liczba ³azienek: 
46 m2
Nie okre¶lono
Okolice Placu Bema
Cena:  3200 z³
Karol Trznadel
Og³oszenia  2pok, 46met, Okolice Placu Bema BALKON/WINDA (Wroc³aw)
Ods³on: 443

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